Formerly Living Word Family Church of Naples, FL
From 2014-2018, David Wildman had the privilege to serve as Creative Director for Living Word Family Church and take it through an extensive rebranding. Since January 2019 it is now called NaplesChurch. Lead Pastor Paul Foslien wanted to appeal to a broader base and make a stronger commitment to the local community. Furthermore the church has held valuable domain names and social media handles named “NaplesChurch” for many years – so a name change after 20 years was doable – even with a large amount of brand equity.
From a design perspective the look was updated to reflect the vision of the church and appeal to the target audience of the church. The church is known for its excellence in quality of production, and that had to be an integral part of the design.
Wildman Design Inc. is proud to offer it’s ChurchRebrand Services to the team at NaplesChurch.
Project Details

New Branding
NaplesChurch boasts a rich history of 20 years of ministry to the people of Southwest Florida and beyond. The church finds its roots at Living Word Christian Center in Brooklyn Park, MN and the style reflects that DNA. Excellence, heritage and clean lines are a hallmark. Leading up to the name change, the rebrand began in 2014 with the introduction of a new logo, typeface and development of a brand-kit that widened the possibilities in application. In early 2019 the name was changed, but all the design elements stayed the same as the last 4 years – thereby making a huge identity jump more manageable. The 9 circles inside the larger circle represent the 9 church core-values with the five corresponding “elements of a Christ-centered life” forming an abstract cross in the center – reflecting the main mission of NaplesChurch: “leading people to walk a Christ-centered life”

A church is so much more than just the main sanctuary, main logo and its needs. NaplesChurch has a myriad of ministries, programs and outreaches that need their separate identities that – at the same time – must flow in line with the main brand. From the Children’s Ministry to Growth Track to the NaplesCoffee shop – all sections received special attention and pieces were created to match the brand and fulfill each individual need. This not only looks great but also strengthens the overall brand presence.
Design talk aside: it just makes the church and its programs more unified to visitors and members.
This process could have not been achieved without a dedicated team, adhering to established standards, following brand-books and committing to carrying it out. And it’s a process that is ongoing and never truly stops.

Multi-media Applications
With any church, but particularly one with a large campus and congregation, the brand applications never seem to end. From door-signage to video segments, website, architectural features – nothing can be overlooked. Every design challenge offers a new opportunity to use the tools provided in the brand-kit to connect with people in the community and share the message of hope and love – even with a simple logo, picture or verbiage.
Since the church relies heavily on outside design contractors it was vitally important to establish design guidelines and “building blocks” that work for multiple media streams. The website needs different formats than video does. Print has its own challenges vs. the screens in the sanctuary. For all the brand elements to be executed successfully, it takes purposeful planning.
Other Solutions offered with this project:
Creative Direction
After his time as full-time Creative Director for NaplesChurch ended, David Wildman continues to supply his Creative Direction services on a contract basis. When larger campaigns or project are planned, creative planning is a must to make sure all the pieces fit together at the end.
On-site production
David Wildman has a long history in church production (audio, video, lighting) and continues to serve the church on a contract basis – from running sound on the weekends, to programming lights for seasonal productions, to managing extensive AVL networks, like the Q-sys system in the new NaplesKids Building.
Supporting and Reviving Missions that Matter.
Brand Development & Strategy | Website Design & Hosting | Brand Consulting